Resultados: 32

Condições laborais: sentimentos da equipe e precarização do trabalho em enfermagem

Objetivo: analisar as condições laborais da equipe de enfermagem em seu ambiente de trabalho. Método: estudo descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa, realizado com 16 profissionais da equipe de enfermagem de um hospital de referência estadual em urgência no município de Natal/RN. A coleta realizou-se ...

Healthy work environment in primary health care: integrative literature review

Rev. baiana enferm; 36 (), 2022
Objective: to identify, in the scientific production, constituent elements of a healthy work environment in Primary Health Care for workers' health. Method: integrative literature review, conducted from June to August 2019, according to a search protocol built with eligibility parameters for the definit...

Professional practice environment and nursing work stress in neonatal units

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 55 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the nurse professional practice environment of neonatal units and its relationship with the levels and main sources of occupational stress. Method: Cross-sectional descriptive, exploratory, correlational study performed with nursing professionals of neonatal units of four ...

Career commitment and entrenchment among Primary Care nurses

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 55 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective: To assess career commitment and entrenchment among Primary Care nurses. Method: This is a cross-sectional study, carried out in 2018, with primary care nurses from two cities in the state of São Paulo. The Career Commitment and Entrenchment Scales, validated in Brazil, and consisti...

Trabalho do enfermeiro no ambiente hospitalar: análise de características desfavoráveis

Objetivo: Analisar as características desfavoráveis do ambiente de trabalho do enfermeiro no contexto hospitalar. Método: trata-se de uma pesquisa de método misto, com estratégia paralelo-convergente. Os dados quantitativos foram coletados com 106 enfermeiros de um Hospital Universitário do Sul do ...

Environment, workload, and nurse burnout in public hospitals in Chile

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 55 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze, from an organizational perspective, the problem of nurse burnout in highly complex public hospitals in Chile. Method: Multicenter, observational, cross-sectional study. According to established inclusion criteria, the universe of hospitals and nurses was the object of wo...

The relationship between the authentic leadership of nurses and structural empowerment: a systematic review

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 55 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective: To verify the relationship between authentic leadership of nurses and structural empowerment. Method: This is a systematic review carried out at the Virtual Health Library on the Journal Portal of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, Online System for ...

A espiritualidade dos profissionais de saúde da oncologia

Objetivo: Identificar a influência da espiritualidade no trabalho dos profissionais de saúde da oncologia de dois hospitais do Norte de Minas Gerais. Método: o estudo trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa, transversal e descritiva. Questão norteadora: influência da espiritualidade no trabalho dos pr...

Cultura de segurança do paciente na perspectiva da equipe multiprofissional: uma revisão integrativa

Objective:To identify the scientific production on patient safety culture in a hospital setting from the perspective of the multiprofessional team. Method: review of the literature, in the LILACS, PubMed, WoS and Scopus databases, in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Results: twelve...

Risks of illness of nursing professors working in in post-graduation courses

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 42 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective To identify the risk of illness related to the work context of nurse professors of stricto sensu nursing post-graduation programs of public institutions. Method Mixed study (convergent and parallel) carried out in federal universities in Rio Grande do Sul, with nurse professors, from...